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Get evened out on things that people owe you

The Plan

Every so often I realize that I've been spending too much. As a result I take a month (although the first time was 40 days) and 'fast' on spending. It's not easy, but it's quite helpful in many ways. Each time I've done this I have actually made between 50 and 200 dollars. Combine that with the money I didn't spend, and the fact that I reformed my spending, it can have a big impact financially.


Welcome to visitors from Budgets Are Sexy! And thanks to J Monee to posting my story


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Cash: $0

Day 1: Starting off right

Sunday was pretty chill. Cereal and cartoons in the morning. I had a late lunch with Brittany. Spaghetti, english muffins as bread and butterscotch pudding. For dinner I made myself some brats that were in the fridge. I was really hoping to work outside some but the weather just wasn't cooperating :(

I spent a good chunk of the day looking for things around the house that I could sell or return. I didn't do much with it but I did put in a request for rebate for my FMBC (medical savings account). So money is on the way from that. Hopefully will get here before the end of the month!


Acquired: leftover spagetti, owed meal from Brittany
Consumed: spagetti, pudding, english muffins, cereal, brats

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