
Links from this site

I started this whole site when I saw that my friend had put up a truly entertaining site based entirely on eccentricities. I had to give myself a kick in the pants and make the site I have always said I would. The original site, Xholisa, has been down for over a year. Nick has started a new site. The Nounal Enclave is a a great new way to learn about the only person I know that is anywhere close to me as far as being an atypical but reasonably functional human being. So go hit up and find out what makes Nick tick.

Wisdom teeth Find out how easy it is to get through wisdom tooth extraction without getting knocked out! Diet I was thinking about going on a diet. Until I found out that I am good right were I am.
Fortune Cookies You will be awarded with some great honor if you read this page (in bed) Nounies Behold the origins of the back up quartet for one of my favorite cereals.
Jujumania! Join me in my awareness of the bothersome yet tasty Jujyfruits. Spam Finally a reason to love Spam!
Evil Gum From the spawn of evil to your mouth.. and then spit out. Thank god I only paid a quarter. Shoes From under the table, he counted 13 feet, and was told to go check again.